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What are the two biggest users of water in your home? Toilets and landscape watering. In fact, during the summer, half of all household water use can be for the lawn and garden. However, it's possible to dramatically reduce your water consumption and still have a beautiful, productive garden.

Add organic matter to your soil. Add at least an inch of compost each year.

Deliver water to the root-zone. Drip irrigation and soaker hoses ensure that up to 90 percent of the water you apply to your garden is actually available to your plants.

Use mulch to retain water. A 6-8" layer of organic mulch can cut water needs in half by blocking thirsty weeds and reducing evaporation.

Make the most of rainwater. Rainwater is the best choice for your plants. Watch your weather.

Choose plants carefully. Choose varieties that are native to your area.

Reduce your lawn. Turf-grass is one of the most thirsty and labor-intensive types of "gardens" you can have.

Plan before you plant. Group plants with similar water needs.

Take care of your plants. Healthy plants need less water, fertilizer and pest controls than stressed plants.

Watering Info:

  • Vegetable crops are 80 to 95 percent water.
  • Average garden soil will store two to four inches of water per foot.
  • Growing crops need about one to two inches of water per week.
  • An average-size tomato plant transpires about 30 gallons of water during a season.
  • A corn plant transpires about 55 gallons from germination to harvest.
  • One reason the air beneath a shady tree is cooler: It has a higher moisture content from the transpiration of nearby leaves.


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