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The spotted lantern-fly, also known as Chinese blistering cicada, is a plant-hopper native to China and Southeastern Asia. Discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014, the spotted lantern-fly presents a threat to both woody and non-woody hosts that are present throughout the United States. While their list of hosts is large, the greatest agricultural concern falls on grapes, hops, apples, blueberries, and stone fruits. Effort is underway to try to eradicate this insect in Pennsylvania. However, in 2018, it was found in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland,
New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.

This plant hopper is able to feed using specialized mouthparts that can pierce the plant and suck up sap. Both nymphs and adults feed this way, on leaves, stems, and trunks. Piercing the plant’s tissues and Feeding on the sap weakens the plant, causing it to ooze and weep, which may result in a fermenting odor and a gray/black trail on the bark. Spotted lantern-flies also excrete honeydew while feeding, which overtime may encourage the growth of sooty mold if infestation levels are high. The presence of the fermenting odor and honeydew
may also attract other insects.

Found a Spotted Lantern-fly in New York?

  1. Take pictures of the insect, egg masses, or infestation you see and,
    if possible, include something for size, such as a coin or ruler.
  2. If possible, collect the insect. Place in a bag and freeze, or in a jar
    with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer.
  3. Note the location (street address and zip code, intersecting roads,
    landmarks, or GPS coordinates).
  4. Email pictures and location spottedlanternfly@dec.ny.gov 

For More Info on The Spotted Lantern Fly go to~


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