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Easy to Grow Low Light Indoor Plants:

Pothos - Pothos plant care is very simple making it an excellent plant to grow for novice home gardeners. Filtered light is recommended for this plant. Pothos can be grown in soil or in vases of water. They will thrive in nutrient rich soil, but do almost as well in nutrient poor soil.

Peace lily – The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is the plant you see all over. There’s a reason for this. The dark foliage grows on 1- to 4-foot plants and looks good without much work. Plants tolerate lower humidity, and the soil needs to dry out between watering. Very Easy to grow and a great plant for beginners.

Snake Plant - One of the most tolerant house plants. The Snake Plant (Sansevieria) care is very straightforward. These plants can be neglected for weeks at a time; yet, with their long leaves and architectural shape, they still look fresh. Additionally, they can survive low light levels, drought and have few insect problems. NASA research has even shown that snake plants are able to help keep the air inside your home clean by removing toxins.

Lucky Bamboo Plant - Very easy to grow: The lucky bamboo plant is a popular house plant that is nice and easy to care for. It prefers indirect light.The lucky bamboo grown in it's native country (West Africa) can grow up to 5ft tall (or much more), and as a house plant up to approximately 2 or 3 feet. These can be grown in water or potting soil.

Dieffenbachia - fascinating foliage, and good tolerance of indoor conditions. Leaves are variegated in greens and cream colors. Young plants generally grow on single stems, but older plants may develop multiple stems. Flowers that look like odd, narrow calla lilies form on mature plants. Dieffenbachia likes filtered light or a northern exposure. It’s happy with standard potting soil, average home temps, and average humidity. Water it when soil feels dry to the touch. Turn plants occasionally for even growth. Dieffenbachia does not like over-watering.

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) - This tropical perennial plant is well loved for its upright, glossy foliage. ZZ Plant thrives in standard indoor potting soil. Let the soil dry out slightly between watering. Place Zamioculcas where it will receive filtered or reflected light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch leaves. It’s happy in average home temperatures.

Spider plant - Prefers reflected light, standard potting soil, and average house temps. Though it will tolerate the low humidity of most homes. Let the soil dry out a bit between watering. If you grow Spider Plant in a hanging basket, rotate the basket to produce even, well-spaced growth. Small plants at the ends of stems grow complete with roots, so you can snip them off and plant them.

Dracaena - prefers indirect light but can tolerate dimmer light (but growth slows as a result). The plant grows well with standard indoor potting soil and average house temps and humidity. Keep soil moist but not soggy. If your plant develops brown tips, simply cut them off with a pair of scissors, making sure the trimmed leaves still have a natural shape. Dracaena will tolerate a pot-bound condition for long periods and is rarely bothered by pests or diseases.

Rubber plant- one of the most foolproof of all indoor plants. Thick, glossy, and leathery, its dark green leaves are 8 to 12 inches long, 4 to 6 inches wide. New leaves unfold from rosy pink sheaths that soon wither and drop. Tolerates less light than most other plants of its size, but is happiest in reflected light. Provide a standard indoor potting soil, keeping it moist but not soggy. Over-watering commonly leads to leaf drop.

Peperomia - the low-growing, compact foliage of Peperomia offers a ton of diversity of leaf shape and color. Peperomia appreciates a window with northern exposure, or any window with filtered light. It prefers temps in the sixties, but will also happily tolerate warmer conditions. Use a standard indoor potting soil and keep it moist but not soggy.

Chinese evergreen - Aglaonema: Both its hardiness and handsome foliage account for Aglaonema’s popularity. It's leaves may be solid medium green or splotched with various shades of gray and green. Aglaonema prefers indirect light and high humidity.

Maidenhair Fern - great plant for the bathroom, prefers low light but loves the moisture and humidity. Maidenhair Ferns are a great option because they have frilly fun leaves that vary from the usual thick leaves of indoor plants. Most Ferns do well inside with low light (and ferns look great in terrariums) so check out others like Silver Lace Fern with variegated leaves.

Begonias - These plants offer a wide range of leaf colors and shapes and if you get a Rex Begonia, it will live quite happily without any direct light. Just make sure you don't over-water it. Soak it and let it dry out, soak and dry.

These are a few choices for lower light indoor houses, apartments or offices.

All plants help to clean the air, it is well known that all plants have some connection with improving air quality through photosynthesis. Having any type of plants indoors can help reduce toxins.



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