Earth Day Celebration Ideas:
- Plant a Tree.
- Plant wildflowers.
- Go native! Plants thrive when they're natural to your area. Planting native species is a surefire route to a stable, low-maintenance, carefree garden.
- Bring nature into the garden with plants that attract Pollinators.
- Try an organic vegetable or herb garden. The great news is that you don't need huge amounts of space to grow healthy veggies and herbs. They can be grown in relatively small spaces and in pots and containers!
- Conserve water. (This can be done by improving your soil). Rainwater sluices through pure sand at the rate of 20 inches per hour or even faster, taking with it everything plants need to survive. Soil with lots of organic matter slows the transition of water from the soil to the subsoil, giving plants a chance to take in what they need. To help retain moisture, mix lots of Bumper Crop and compost into the soil at planting time. Water your garden in the late afternoon or early in the morning, at times when the least amount of water will evaporate from the leaves.
- To encourage roots to develop, soak the garden thoroughly less often rather than watering it lightly more frequently. Mulch Well to help retain moisture.
- Pick up trash, especially plastic wherever you are.
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Happy Earth Day and Happy Gardening! |