Spring Lawn Care Applying Pre-emergents To Your Lawn~

If you have a problem with Crabgrass in your Lawn then it is time to apply Step 1 or a Pre-emergent to Your Lawn.Preemergents such as Step 1 or Step 1 for Seeding, Crabgrass Preventer address weed control not "after the fact," but before they can emerge. Preemergents accomplish this by forming something of a blanket or sheild that inhibits seeds from germinating. Don't undertake raking/thatching/aeriation after applying a preemergent: to do so would be to puncture the blanket or sheild, and stop it from working effectively.

If You plan on re-seeding in the spring and want to accomplish two jobs in one you would have to use a preemergent for seeding! Always be sure to follow the directions on these products as far as application and watering! If You have ANY Questions do not hesitate to ask us!

We carry both Scotts and Jonathan Green Products at Van Bourgondien Nursery.

The Importance of Early Spring Feedings of Trees, Shrubs and Plants ~

After cleaning up Your Flower Beds then it will be time to begin feeding many of the trees and shrubs in the garden. Early spring feedings will help get them off to a good growing start early in the season.

The question most often asked about spring feeding is, "What kind of fertilizer do I use for this or that plant, tree or shrub?

Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias, Junipers, Evergreens, etc. - Use a rhododendron type of fertilizer when feeding these types of plants. Most should be fed twice a year, once in Spring and again in Summer. Be careful not to spread the material directly on plants or the trunks, instead apply it at the drip-line of the plant. Follow application directions on the label of all fertilizers you use. (VERY IMPORTANT) If You have any questions about fertilizers or feeding do not hesitate to ask us....we are here to help You!

Annuals, Perennials and Roses - Both the annuals and roses will do best if they are fertilized on the average of once a month throughout their growing season. Perennials should be fed in spring and again in the summer. Use a rose or general garden fertilizer to feed them.

Vegetable Gardens - Use a general all-purpose garden fertilizer or a rose-type for feeding vegetable plants. Mix fertilizers into the vegetable garden soil prior to planting. Established garden vegetable plants are side-dressed with fertilizer during their growing season.

Planting of New Shrubs, Trees, Annuals, etc. - Use one of the specially prepared planting or transplanting fertilizers at planting time. These fertilizers are mixed into the soil according to the directions on the label of the brand of fertilizer you use. The greatest advantage of a planting or transplanting fertilizer is that they encourage root growth, thus insuring better top growth as the plant develops.

You can get your garden plants off to a good start and keep them growing well by feeding them properly, with the correct type of fertilizer and the correct amount of watering.

We Recommend Our Garden Elements Line of Organic Fertilizers and as always Our Bumper Crop for Top Dressing, New Plantings, Transplanting and for Generally Freshening up the soil in Gardens and in Pots and Planters!

Happy Gardening!